Neuland 2.0

We are the Internet
New territory? What the hell are you talking about?
To take the term “Neuland” in connection with the Internet into your mouth is, to put it in a friendly way, quite daring. After all, the Internet has been a mass phenomenon since the turn of the millennium at the latest. To illustrate the absurdity of such statements, a quick look at the numbers is enough. All the talk about Neuland can could be located at least since the first distribution by M confidently under the rubric Newspeak. You look here, here and here. Anyway, whatever. For my part, I collected my first digital experiences, as far as I can remember, at the end of the 1970s, as a pupil in the elective subject of computer science with BASIC programming. My initial enthusiasm for electronic data processing (EDP) disappeared after about a year. One year from now, worried that these machines will destroy millions of jobs in the near future. In the mid-1980s, when I accidentally became the owner of an Amstrad PCW / Schneider personal computer, my attitude towards IT changed again. In the mid-1990s, I began to take the so-called digital media more seriously again. Hence the fact that I feel at home in a whole range of different IT topics. Finally, I have continuously acquired, expanded and deepened this knowledge before, during and after my studies, at work and in various further education measures. Right from the start, my particular focus has been on all topics related to the Internet, which, as we all know, brings together a variety of skills, techniques and disciplines.
You’re not alone
My curiosity forced me to question my own points of view over and over again. Many of the answers I found on my travels through the internet (i. e. in the World-Wide-Web, in the Deep-Web and in the Dark-Web) confirmed some of my assumptions, assessments and ideas about important questions of life. But they also strengthened the certainty of what ultimately counts, not least because reason dictates it. Also in the internet you should know know your enemies better, otherwise all the colorful web-worlds, e-mails, documents, accounts and passwords could be cracked, so perdu, um…. being in the wrong or other other hands, being manipulated, or just lost. But thanks to Free Software, everyone can communicate with the world today without necessarily having a deeper knowledge of IT or even their own media empire – as far as the theory is concerned.
Internet === Free Software
FLOSS, what else
The entire web offer on montazer. net is created and operated exclusively with Free Software, specifically with Devuan GNU/Linux® as a fork of Debian GNU/Linux® as the world’s dominant universal GNU/Linux distribution, Gnome, Cinnamon and KDE as desktop environment or i3 as windowmanager, Apache as web server, Mozilla Firefox and Chromium (with integrated WebRTC-technology, the killer feature of the future), epiphany, etc. pp. and exceptionally and exclusively for test purposes Opera, Safari and IE, including a whole range of plugins and extensions, e. g. various extensions (including Firebug with Firebug extensions, HTML-Validator (s), NoScript uMatrix, RequestPolicy, UserAgentSwitcher, Ghostery, etc.). for Firefox and Chromium, but also the developer tools integrated in the respective browsers) as graphical or lynx, links2, elinks, w3m as text-based webclients a. k. a. Web browser. Also MySQL or MariaDB and PostgreSQL as database server or DBMS, VIM as extremely versatile text editor or IDE that can be used on any platform, if required also via SSH in combination with GNU Screen tmux on the very popular bash shell, GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) for image editing, furthermore publicly or restricted accessible free content management systems (CMS), including Drupal, Contao, WordPress, MediaWiki and OwnCloud respectively NextCloud, LibreOffice, Lyx, etc. for document creation, document processing and document conversion, and also for barrier-free access on PDF documents, which can also be used to include the source data in the standardized ODT format, which has been an internationally recognized ISO standard since 2006. Scribus covers the DTP-area, blender covers the area for professional 3D graphics, animations and virtual reality, Inkscape for vector graphics, etc. etc.…
Can’t you cut it short?
Well, yes and no. I was barely ready to follow the trend towards many colorful nodding pictures and a few text fragments à la, but then I let it go. After all, I don’t pursue any commercial goals with the content on, which gives me the freedom to not always have to follow the zeitgeist. This means that on only content on topics that I am personally interested in will be published, which inevitably means that I also price a lot about myself. With a little luck, it might even give rise to some good ideas and insights that we share. The world finally keeps spinning. However, the question of how the Fourth Estate will evolve with the future of the journalism will depend not least on the involvement of us all the world citizens. Communicating with the public and thus becoming part of the public opinion-forming process and public opinion is IMHO, an essential component of pre-/democratic systems.
That’s all?
For now, yes. More will be added over the course of time to one or the other article.
By the way: Anybody who understands the following quotation also understands my kind of humor.
I never forget a face – but in your case I’ll make an exception.
… where it all began
and where it is going …
- Operating Systems
- Virtualization
- VMware®
- Xen®
- VirtualBox®
- Docker®
- Heterogeneous networks
- Client-server-architecture
- Office applications
(Migration from MS Office to OpenOffice/LibreOffice) - Creative applications
(Migration from Corel, Adobe, Quark, etc. toopen source solutions for professional prepress) - Desktop Publishing (DTP)
- CLTs: VI(M), (*)grep, sed, lsof, ps, (*)top, (*)diff, ssh, scp, rsync, dirvish, vagrant, mysql(*), php(-cli), make, tar, dd, dump, ddrescue, git, gpg, ifconfig, ip, netstat, route, traceroute, nmap, man, etc. & …
- Terminal multiplexer: tmux
- Data encryption, encrypted data transmission
- Web design and web development (HTML, CSS, DOM, XML, JSON)
- Programming (Bash, PHP, JavaScript, SQL)
- Database management systems (MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL)
- Various content management systems (CMS)
- Various protective measures such as
- And of course everything relevant for the Internet
- Various communication protocols
- Encryption method
- Server services (Daemons)
- Etc. pp.
- And much more
- Ganeti (a virtual machine cluster management tool)
- OpenLDAP
- And no end in sight
- The Revolution continues